Commerce Day

Country Iceland
Local Name Frídagur verslunarmanna
Date Monday, 4th August, 2025
Type Public
Is Global true

About Commerce Day holiday in Iceland

Commerce Day, known as *Verslunarmannahelgi* in Icelandic, is a public holiday celebrated on the first Monday of August in Iceland. It is a day dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers in the commerce and service industries. Originally established in 1894, the holiday was intended to give shopkeepers and their employees a well-deserved break during the busy summer season. Commerce Day has evolved into a popular long weekend for Icelanders, often marked by outdoor activities, family gatherings, and festivals. Many people take advantage of the holiday to travel, camp, or attend music festivals, with the *Þjóðhátíð* festival in the Westman Islands being one of the most famous events associated with the weekend. The holiday also serves as a reminder of the importance of commerce and trade in Iceland's economy, while providing a chance for relaxation and celebration before the end of summer.