All Saints' Day

Country Guatemala
Local Name All Saints' Day
Date Saturday, 1st November, 2025
Type Public
Is Global true

About All Saints' Day holiday in Guatemala

All Saints' Day, known as *Día de Todos los Santos* in Spanish, is a significant religious and cultural holiday celebrated in Guatemala on November 1st. It is a day dedicated to honoring and remembering deceased loved ones, saints, and martyrs. In Guatemala, the holiday blends Catholic traditions with indigenous Mayan customs, creating a unique and vibrant celebration. One of the most distinctive aspects of All Saints' Day in Guatemala is the tradition of flying giant kites, or *barriletes gigantes*, in the cemeteries, particularly in the towns of Santiago Sacatepéquez and Sumpango. These elaborately designed kites, often made with colorful tissue paper and bamboo, are believed to help communicate with the spirits of the departed and guide them back to the living world. The kites also symbolize the connection between heaven and earth. Families visit cemeteries to clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones with flowers, candles, and offerings of food, such as *fiambre*, a traditional Guatemalan dish made with a mix of cold meats, vegetables, and pickled ingredients. The atmosphere in cemeteries is often lively, with music, prayers, and gatherings to honor the dead. All Saints' Day in Guatemala is a deeply spiritual and communal event, reflecting the country's rich cultural heritage and the enduring importance of family and ancestral ties. It is a time for reflection, remembrance, and celebration of life and death as interconnected parts of the human experience.