
Country Estonia
Local Name nelipühade 1. püha
Date Sunday, 8th June, 2025
Type Public
Is Global true

About Pentecost holiday in Estonia

**Pentecost in Estonia** Pentecost, known as *Nelipühade* in Estonian, is a Christian holiday celebrated 50 days after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. In Estonia, Pentecost holds both religious and cultural significance, blending Christian traditions with older pagan customs tied to the arrival of summer. Traditionally, Pentecost is a time for church services, family gatherings, and outdoor activities, as it coincides with the vibrant spring season. Many Estonians use the holiday to enjoy nature, often spending time in the countryside or at summer cottages. Bonfires, a remnant of ancient midsummer traditions, are sometimes lit to mark the occasion. While Estonia is a predominantly secular country, Pentecost remains a public holiday, offering a day off for relaxation and reflection. It serves as a bridge between Estonia's Christian heritage and its deep connection to nature and seasonal rhythms.